noun: Wellbeing
the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
Well-being doesn’t have one set meaning or one set application, but the state and how we apply it to our emotional, physical and mental wellness remains the same – to seek balance. I know from experience that it can be hard to know where to start when you want to achieve a better balance with your wellbeing. Thankfully there are a few things you can do that can improve your wellbeing pretty quickly.
Below you’ll find my top tips for giving your wellbeing a boost in the right direction.
Hydrate – We all recognise the importance of drinking enough water and maintaining hydration. Having a water bottle on your desk or on hand in your workplace will greatly increase your chances of maintaining hydration allowing you to sip on it throughout the day. If you struggle to drink water on its own, add a splash of fresh lemon.
Get back to nature – Spending time in or around nature can greatly improve your state of mind. There really is nothing quite like a dose of fresh air to have you feeling good. Make the time to take a walk during your day or If your work space allows for it you could add a plant to your desk as a way of bringing nature to you.
Move – Do some form of exercise daily. This doesn’t have to be anything as intense as a gym workout or a run. It can be something simple like a brisk walk or doing some yoga stretches. According to Headspace being active will not only offer immediate physiological benefits but will also impact other key elements of wellbeing, such as sleep and stress levels.
Selfcare – Choose to do something deliberately to take care of your mental, emotional or physical health. This can greatly enhance your mood and reduce any stress or anxiety. Try to do this daily. It could be something simple like taking a bath at the end of the day, taking some time to enjoy a cup of tea, sit out in your garden in the sunshine, or take a walk or listening to your favourite podcast.
Sleep – When you are tired, everything can be become a little harder to deal with. Your body systems won’t function normally. Lack of sleep can affect your focus, impairs your performance your immune system and long term it will start to affect your overall health. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and rise at the same time every morning to form a sleep routine. If you have trouble falling asleep, perhaps reading at bed time or listening to music can help you to overcome this. I found some more great practical tips over at Beyond Blue’s website.
Eat – We all know the importance of eating well. Having a healthy & nutritious diet can help with memory, focus, energy & overall mood. Try to create some healthy eating habits that you can adapt into your daily routine. This can be as simple as swapping out your morning tea biscuits for a piece of fruit. In the same way that eating well benefits you throughout the day, eating unhealthy can leave you feeling bloated and lethargic and put you on the treaded blood sugar rollercoaster making it more difficult to get through your day.
Read – Not only does reading strengthen the brain muscle, it also helps to build vocabulary, reduces stress & can help alleviate depression. My advice here would be to consider the content that you reading. If you have certain topics that you know will affect your mood negatively, steer away from those as much as possible & focus on some positive reading material on topics that enrich your life or soul.
Social Media Detox – We all recognise the importance of taking a break from social media occasionally. If you are aware that your social media habits are having an affect on the way you feel, then it is even more important to take a break. Having a social media detox can improve your health and declutter your mind. You don’t have to take a full break from your socials, you can simply take some time to take back control of your news feeds by unfollowing anything that makes you feel anxious or unhappy. Maybe reach out for other ways to stay connected to those you care about that doesn’t rely on social media.
Meditate – if you can carve away a bit of time each day to sit quietly, then adding meditation into your daily routine can really help with your overall wellbeing. There are many science based benefits to mastering meditation including improved self awareness, better focus and concentration.
Treat – Don’t forget to treat yourself occasionally. This is so important for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. The idea is to have something to look forward to you can even use this to reward yourself. While you can treat yourself extravagantly, your treat could also be something really simple such as catching up with friends for coffee, having a massage or a facial, or taking a road trip on your weekend. During this strange year incorporating treats into the restrictions that you are currently living under can be a wonderful way to have something to look forward to. Treats should involve things you might not always do for yourself, and may even involve a bit of self care – its going to look differently for everyone but don’t underestimate how a treat can help.
Music – Listening to music can really alter your mood. Music can really assist with feelings of anxiety and the correct type of music can help with sleep and mental awareness. Personally I love to put a record on (yes that is a thing still, I’m old school like that) and just sit back quietly and listen to each and every word.
Importantly, if you find that your wellbeing is not improving after making conscious steps to improve it, OR if you are finding that your mindset is preventing you from taking positive steps then reach out to your support network. Remember, it is okay to not be okay and there are organisations that are established and have strengthened their presence this year to provide the services that people are requiring.
eheadspace – national online and phone support for young people 12-25 – help and support on mental health issues for young people
Sane Australia – Mental health charity for people affected by complex mental health issues
Beyond Blue – Online and Phone Mental wellbeing Support service

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